The CIALE (Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Learning Environment) Training Methods Survey is a comprehensive researched-validated survey tool that features 72 practice-based questions regarding the implementation of educational best practices. School leaders and teachers will clearly understand their unique strengths and challenges regarding the consistency of their methods from an objective, supportive viewpoint.
The TSDI is a self-assessment that helps teachers gain an understanding of their IDENTITY, VALIDITY, and CREDIBILITY. Launch into deep learning of pedagogy, philosophy of education, and reflection through identifying your personal strengths as a teacher. We offer a free personalized results report and two paid full reports. LEARN MORE...
Understand your impact on students.
Enhance engagement.
Improve teaching effectiveness.
Increase self-assurance.
Strengthen self-analysis and introspection.

We have used data from SchoolRIGHT Surveys for steady progress on schoolwide improvement.

The information we receive is very useful and an integral part of our continuous improvement.

SchoolRIGHT surveys deliver reliable insight into where we are doing well and where we need to head.
Entrust your surveys to external professionals with specialized skills, ensuring rigorous methodologies and unbiased analyses fostering a culture of transparency and credibility, and yielding results that guide meaningful improvements.

Special Packages
Conduct multiple survey types in a school year and save. Receive even greater discounts with a multi-year agreement. Contact us for information!
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Complete the form below to get started, or send an email to: surveys@schoolright.net