The spring and summer months are active times for students in schools and universities. Many students leave campus for mission trips, field trips, and other community events. Due to this high rate of activity, administrators and teachers need to be aware of the looming threat of student abductions.

Bobby Brasher, teaching
Abductors are also aware that students will be traveling to their Spring break destinations, as well as making trips to historical sites in cities at home and abroad. Unfortunately, most of the chaperones on these kinds of trips are not travel experts or security protection agents. Because of that fact, here are a few basic Travel Safety Tips for every chaperone to know so that they can ensure a safe and secure off-campus environment.
Use a highly rated Christian travel company if possible. (I highly recommend Joshua Expeditions.)
Advance your location (Know the weather, crime statistics, safe areas, best time to visit, and political/social climate.)
Have an expert in safety protocols train your group before traveling
Utilize the US state department STEPS program if traveling internationally. (Also, be sure to have emergency contact numbers recorded, as well as contact info for US Embassy and Consulate and FBI foreign offices.)
Possess the medical and prescription history of all travelers. (If traveling internationally, have a list of English-speaking doctors and highest-rated hospitals with American-trained physicians and surgeons.)
Take pictures with your cell phone of your students every morning. (Doing this allows you to have the most up-to-date picture that can be quickly forwarded to other chaperones or law enforcement.)
Safe and happy travels! Learn more about Bobby Brasher and EBI Security Consultants.